Thursday, February 15, 2007

How to catch a flight....

In the business I am in, I do some traveling. So In my blogging days to come, I'll share some of my traveling stories. Here is a more recent one...

A few weeks ago, I was in Pheonix and I stayed the weekend to visit a couple of my brothers that live there. My flight back home left at 5:13pm sunday night. I was in Suprise, which is about an hour from the airport. I left there at about 3:15. that gives me an hour to the airport and an hour there before my flight. I should be good.

I get on the freeway and as I am getting closer to the city, I decide I better exit somewhere and get gas in my rental car. As I think this, I pass an exit where I see a gas station. No problem, I'll catch one at the next exit or the one after. I have only been driving for about 20 mins or so.

As I come up to the next exit, I see there are still a couple more exits coming soon and I may still be a ways our from the airport, so I keep going. I pass like 2 more exits where I see gas stations at both. Then decide I will get off at the next one. By this time, it is 3:45. I get off and pull into the Circle K to get gas. The only station there that I see near the exit. As I get out, the lady cleaning the trash can out there tells me they are closed! 'Closed?' Great!

I go back the other way across the freeway (north) to get a station there. Nothing. Nothing for a mile! I turn around and hurry back to the freeway. I get on and figure the next exit should have one. I was wrong. I drive around and now it is 3:55 and I get back on the freeway and figure I may have to go past the airport to find something. Finally, I get to University Ave. There has to be something here. I go North and drive and drive, I figure a main road like that HAS to have a station on it eventually. FINALLY a Chevron! I look at my watch and it is 4. I hurry and pump the gas and get back to the freeway. I'm flying like the wind! To the rental garage, the on the rental bus.

4:15, my flight in one hour. I should be good. I still need to check in and go thru security. I know its not busy, (it never has been at this time in the past) so I fugure I'm ok.

The bus ride to the airport takes for EVER! We stop at every light, take every corner slower then walking speed and I thought I was going to strangle the driver. Maybe it was because I was in a hurry. I don't know. All I know is it took a long, long time.

4:25 I am at the delta counter and nobody in line. The place is a gost town and there are 4 agents at the desk. Good!

I pick the best looking one and tell her my name. She said I missed my flight. I laugh and said it's not until 5:13! She said right! 5:13 last FRIDAY! It will cost $112 to get me on the flight. I said I need to call my travel agent. She said she would save me a seat. (Just as nice as she is good looking) How about a window seat? She says 'how about a bulk head? You be lucky to even make it on the plan!'

4:35 I finally get an agent on the phone. Looks like they didn't switch it back after all the confusion of flying home Friday night or Sunday night she says. She'll go ahead and book and bill my ticket now. I hold. She comes back and says she can't because Delta's phone line is busy. I laugh. I said well the only thing you can do is keep trying...right!? She said...well, yeah. I suppose. I said I would hold until she got it.

4:45 she comes back and says she got it and now just has to type in the details. This takes nearly 10 mins. I go to the ticket counter while I am on the phone and tell the cute girl my agent is almost done. She said she better hurry. 5 mins and she won't be able to get me on the flight. I tell the agent and she just finishes up and says the superviser needs to clear it then it should be done. How long? I say. She said 5 mins. I said, Make it 4! I tell the agent behind the desk and she says ok.

5:05 the agent prints off a ticket for me and says 'go to the gate and check in.' My ticket has not been cleared at this point, but the agent said if I don't leave now, I will never get thru security in time and will miss my flgiht. 'By the time you get to the gate the ticket will have gone thru'.

5:07 I get to security and am releaved to find nobody there except one couple. ISA decides they want to go thru my bag. SHIT! 5:12 they are done and I am running to my gate. Thank god it was only the second gate down the terminal. Another ghost town. Only the agent at the desk and the door is still open.

5:13 I give him my name and he checks the computer and I am good to go. WHEW!

I get in the plane and it is full. Now, to find my seat. 13A. A window seat! I owe the agent at the desk a kiss! How did she do that? I love her.

As I get settled in, 2 other people file in and it was another 5 mins before they closed the door! What a bunch of CRAP! If the plan is scheduled to leave at 5:13, it should leave at 5:13! However, I have flown enough to know that this never happens. No problem. All good and now I'm on my way home. (and yes - I could have waited until 7 for the next flight....but 2 hours in the airport sucks!)

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