Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dear God....

So - there is this really, REALLY, religious guy that works here. Not Catholic or Mormon. Not sure what he is, but it’s not any of the dominant religions. Not that it matters anyway, and he don’t push it on anyone. I didn’t even know until Dalton just told me this story…..

We'll call this guy Jeff. He is working on a project with D and they have a TON of work to do by Friday of next week. Jeff is really concerned how they are going to get all the work done by then. So, as he is in D’s cubicle, he asks D if he would join him in prayer to ask for help to get the work done on time.

D is not a religious man. His wife is Catholic, and she rarely goes to church. But D is not a part of it. He’s not against it, just not a part of it.

So to be nice, D obliges him and Jeff, right there in D’s cubicle (across from the company printer mind you) faces D, kneels down on his knees and grabs D’s hand and starts praying. Out loud. I commend the guy for looking to God for help. I do to, but not at work kneeling in front of a co-worker sitting in his chair and holding his hand.

As this is going on, D can barely contain himself. He is nearly busting out in laughter. Just then, another co-worker walks by…Darrel. He is about 50ish and very quiet with dry since of humor and don’t know D at all. Darrel, without slowing his walking pace down one bit, without missing a beat, grabs his print off the printer, glances over at Jeff kneeling in front of D, holding his hand, praying out loud, and says, “Do your spouses know you two have come out of the closet?”

Well, D lost it. He busted out and apologized to Jeff. Jeff looks up at D, still on his knees, face turning all red, and says, “I better go have a talk with him.”

This place is so damn funny.

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